Joey Branker's English Website
Julius Ceasar
Classwork and Homework
Interactive Literary Analysis
Style Analysis

Antigone Journals


Journal #1
Choose a time of year and describe how it looks and feels.

Fall, the season when school starts and summer ends. It is the beginning and ending or multiple sports such as baseball, basketball, and football. When Fall begins the temperature everyday starts to change by getting cooler and cooler. The leaves on the trees start to turn orange, yellow, and red. They also fall off the trees so by winter there are no more leaves on most trees. During fall rain usually starts to fall more than it has been in the past months. If it gets really cold u could get an early snow in some places.

Journal #2
How is Fate like a donut?

Fate is like a donut because when you are eating it, it's not good for you but it feels good. Even though it feels good at the beginning if u keep eating it, it will become gross and you will have a chance of being sick because you keep pushing yourself to eat it and have more and more fun which is not healthy.

Journal #3
How is a clock like the bubonic plague?

The Bubonic plague is like a clock because it is slow moving but controls everything at the same time. While a clock my seem small and not needed; it really is and when bubonic plague struck it was slow and violent killing everyone around slowly, but surely.

Journal #4
How many ways can a person be beautiful?

There is no one thing that everyone in the world will agree on as being beautiful. Some people look at physical body parts some people like personality, but there is definetly no standard that everyone agrees too. I like more what people look like on the outside; then theres my sister who does not care about the outside as much and cares about the person inside the body. What everyone does agree on is that there are many beautiful things in this universe.

Journal #5
If You had a Time Machine, what places or people would you choose to visit.

If I had a time machine I would probably visit all my cousins in Atlanta, Georgia and Riverside County and L.A. I would travel back in time to when the first car was made just to compare it to what people have to move through the world now. Also I would want to like go back to the 1800's and like take computers and tv's with me and see what kind of reaction i get from the people.

Journal #6
How are memories like a river?

Memories are like a river because a river can be large or small. Memories also can be large or small but the bigger they are the more u remember them. If there is a small memory or a small river the odds are that you will not remember that memory in a few years. Same with a river, in school teachers dont have you study small needless rivers, you learn about the large ones that are a necessity to the world around it. Also a memory that was very important and you thought that you couldnt forget about it can be washed a way after a few years even if it was a big memory. A river can be big and then after a few years it can just dry up and wash away.
