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Classwork and Homework

Julius Ceasar
Classwork and Homework
Interactive Literary Analysis
Style Analysis

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North Carolina is a very green and humid place. It is the opposite of California or Nevada which are very dry states. The temperature around there is usually warm and wet even though you rarely see the sun.

Hawaii, another humid place except the sun is out everyday. It will also rain almost everyday; but is still hot and sunny.

In Mexico on the carribean side it is a hot, humid and rainy. Its like hawaii just much hotter and rain even more and even harder.

Lake Tahor during the winter is cold and either rainy or snowed in. It is a popular place for skiing and snowboarding. During the summer its popular for mountain biking and water skiing. In the summer it can get hot, into the one hundreds.

Fiction is narrative prose about characters and events from the author’s imagination. All works of fiction share the following basic elements. Setting Setting is the time and place in which a story takes place. Plot is the progression of related events in a work of fiction. Plot originates in a conflict, or problem, that sets off a sequence of actions, rises to a climax, or point of greatest intensity, and ends with a resolution, or conclusion. Characters are the individuals who take part in the story’s action. Dialogue is conversation between or among characters. In some literary works, characters speak in an idiom or dialect , a way of speaking particular to a group or region. Characters may also use idiomatic expressions , phrases that mean something different than their individual words and help a writer to show a character”s personality. For example, “raining cats and dogs” is an idiomatic expression. Point of View is the perspective from which a story is told. Theme is the underlying meaning or insight that an author conveys in a story. A universal theme is one that applies to all people in all cultures. CHARACTER A characteris a person or an ani- mal that takes part in the action of a literary work. The main, or major, character is the most important character in a story, poem, or play. A minorcharac- ter is one who takes part in the action but is not the focus of attention. CLIMAX The climax, also called the turning point, is the high point in the action of the plot. It is the moment of greatest tension, when the outcome of the plot hangs in the balance period. DYNAMIC CHARACTER See Character. EXPOSITIONIn the plot of a story or a drama, the exposition, or introduction, is the part of the work that introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation. MINOR CHARACTER See Character. PLOTPlotis the sequence of events in which each event results from a previous one and causes the next. In most novels, dramas, short stories, and nar- rative poems, the plot involves both characters and a central conflict. The plot usually begins with an expo- sition that introduces the setting, the characters, and the basic situation. This is followed by the inciting incident, which introduces the central conflict. The conflict then increases during the developmentuntil it reaches a high point of interest or suspense, the climax. The climax is followed by the falling action, or end, of the central conflict. Any events that occur during the falling actionmake up the resolu- tion or denouement. PROBLEM See Conflict. PROTAGONIST The protagonistis the main char- acter in a literary work. Often, the protagonist is a person, but sometimes it can be an animal. STATIC CHARACTERSee Character. PLOT Plot is the sequence of events in which each event results from a previous one and causes the next. In most novels, dramas, short stories, and nar- rative poems, the plot involves both characters and a central conflict. The plot usually begins with an expo- sition that introduces the setting, the characters, and the basic situation. This is followed by the inciting incident, which introduces the central conflict. The conflict then increases during the developmentuntil it reaches a high point of interest or suspense, the climax. The climax is followed by the falling action, or end, of the central conflict. Any events that occur during the falling actionmake up the resolu- tion or denouement. SETTING The settingof a literary work is the time and place of the action. The setting includes all the details of a place and time—the year, the time of day, even the weather. The place may be a specific country, state, region, community, neighborhood, building, institution, or home. Details such as dialects, clothing, customs, and modes of trans- portation are often used to establish setting. In most stories, the setting serves as a backdrop—a context in which the characters interact. Setting can also help to create a feeling, or atmosphere. See Atmosphere.

The Marriage of King Arthur

3.His squires are turned into Knights.

4.Loyalty, always aid a lady in distress, never do anything outrageous or commit murder, always fight for justice or the law, never for the goods of the world, etc.

5. The significance of the gift is that the Round Table belonged to King Arthurs father Uther and he had given it to Leodegrance and now the table is going back into the family.

6.In this legend the magic part is dealing with Merlin a old Magician. The Christian part is King Arthur who bases everything off chivalry.

1.He basically told them that he will give them gifts and not to murder or kill for goods but only if they broke the law, and to give mercy to people who ask. Not to fight for the goods of the world.

2.Although Merlin can tell the future & knows that Guenevere will cheat on Arthur & cause the downfall of the kingdom; he supports Arthur’s decision because the chivalrous code of conduct says to always be loyal to your lady love, and he knows that Arthur should marry his true love.

3.Chivalry is sort of practiced today by our military soldiers who are supposed to follow a code of conduct to protect the people of our country and must be loyal. Police officers must also follow a code of conduct like knights, even though they might now always follow that code.


Episode 1

Sir Lyonel vs. Sir Tarquine

Episode 2

Sir Ector vs. Tarquine

Episode 3

Lancelot vs. 4 Queens

Episode 4 /DIV>

Sir Lancelot vs. Belleus

Episode 5

Fights for King Bagdemeous

Episode 6

Sir Lancelot Vs. Sir Tarquine

Principles of Knighthood and Heroism

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